vegane und glutenfreie Tarts


Schnelle Tarts ohne Mehl und Ei

Süße Tarts ohne Weizenmehl und Ei? Geht das? Na klar! Zudem sind sie auch hundertmal gesünder und aromatischer als herkömmliche Tarts. Als Basis werden gemahlene Nüsse, Kokosöl und Hirse oder Buchweizen verwendet.
Die Füllung und Farbe ist euch überlassen. Gerne backe ich sie mit saisonalen Obst wie Pflaumen.
Da die Tarts nur wenige Minuten im Ofen brauchen, kann man sie wunderbar vorbacken und z.B. später mit Erdbeeren füllen.  Als warme Tartfüllung eignen sich tiefgefrorene Beerenmischungen gut, welche ihr mit Agar-Agar und Sirup einkochen könnt.








Easy tarts without flour and eggs!

Sweet tarts without wheat flour and eggs? Is that possible? Of course it is! In addition, they are a hundred times healthier and more aromatic than conventional tarts. I only used ground nuts, coconut oil and millet or buckwheat.

The filling and color is up to you. I like to bake it with seasonal fruits like plums.
Since the tarts need only a few minutes in the oven, you can prebake the tarts and later fill them with strawberries for example. If you want to have a warm tart filling, then you can use a frozen berry mix, which you can cook a view minutes with agar-agar and syrup.



Healthy, vegan and gluten-free shortcrust pastry recipe:


  • 200 g nuts*
  • 200 g millet grains / buckwheat grains (coconut flour also fits well as an alternative)
  • 80 g coconut oil
  • 30 g honey-like sweetner such as Maple syrup or rice syrup


  1. Grind finely the nuts and grains and mix them together in a big bowl (use your blender or another grinder).
  2. Mix the liquid coconut oil with the syrup and add it also into the bowl.
  3. Knead everything with your hands well together (I always use these kitchen gloves) and portion the dough in 3-6 balls.
  4. Depending on the size of your cake molds, divide the balls and push the dough gently into the molds.

Baking time: bake for 15-20 minutes in the oven at 180 degree till they are golden.
Attention, depending on the oven, they can get dark very quickly. Stay alert to achieve an optimum strength and color for your tarts.

* I got an electric coffee grinder specially for grinding nuts and legumes (here), it works so great.



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